December 8, 2010

Le Concert

Le Concert is a movie about a former conductor of the Bolshoi orchestra (forgive me, for my opening description really does not do the plot line any justice), Andrei Simoniovich Filipov was once a prominent and respected conductor who was fired during the Communist regime, as a result of hiring Jewish musicians. Thirty years later, we meet Andrei at the Bolshoi, where he is now the janitor. The movie takes a swift and exciting turn from the very start, when Andrei finds out that the Châtlet Theatre in Paris have invited the Bolshoi orchestra to perform. And so the adventure begins, Andrei, in an effort to relive his dream of being the master- conductor he once was, tracks down all his former musicians, who like himself are enduring a life of banishment, so they can go to Paris.  To accompany his old musicians he targets the musical prodigy Anne-Marie Jacquet, to perform the violin solo.
This story is not only one of perseverance, dedication and true talent – but it portrays a tale about how comedy and conflict can go hand in hand. I can honestly say, it had been a very long time since a movie captivated me, this much! Le Concert will make your heart sing a song of pride and triumph, all the while making you laugh. The DVD is makes a great stocking filler, or a wonderful way to spend a night in.

Written and directed by RaduMihaileanu
Starring Aleksey Guskov, Mélanie Laurent and Dmitri Nazarov

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