February 22, 2011

The Subject, Indeed

Shirin Neshat

New York based visual artist, Shirin Neshat, has become the face for Ohne Titel's Spring/Summer 2011 campaign. The fashion label was founded by Alexa Adams and Flora Gill, who derived the name Without a Title as a result of their admiration for the German Artist Anselm Kiefer, who often did not title his work. In an interview for Italian Vogue, the pair discussed that the name of their label is also an implication of "anti- branding", the focus of Ohne Titel is purely on craftsmanship and design, not a name, or the association that comes with a brand name.

Look 11, S/S11

Look 23, S/S11

The collection has a very strong architectural element, and part of the design process includes the implemention of special techniques such as manipulating fabrics and creating new ways to conduct old craft techniques. One of Ohne Titel's main sources of inspiration is the work and style of Madeleine Vionnet, a French designer dubbed the "Queen of the bias cut", who also implemented architectural elements to her dress making.

S/S11 Campaign
The union of Iranian born visual artist Shirin Neshat and Ohne Titel, for the S/S 2011 campaign, was Shirin's modelling debut.
Just the way Ohne Titel's philosophy revolves around their creations (as opposed to branding), so does the work of Shirin Neshat and both parties are true to their creatvity.
Despite the incredibly perplexed issues addressed in Shirin Neshat's work (mostly with reference to politics, women in society), she creates compositions where both beauty and complexity exist.

See Ohne Titel's Collections/Collaborations
Watch Italian Vogue's interview with the Designers
Read the article about the S/S 2011 Campaign feat Shirin Neshat

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